Çewtiya formata e-nameyê
Alavên paqijkirinê ji bo domandina stêr û paqijiya jîngehên kontrolkirî, bi ewlehî kalîteyê û pêbaweriya hilberên ku di van cihan de têne çêkirin. Ji bo ku li hember daxwazên standardên paqijkirî yên hişk, amûrên paqijkirinê ji bo pêkanîna hewcedariyên yekta yên ji bo pîşesaziyên cûda yên pîşesaziyên cûda hatine çêkirin hatine çêkirin.
Li ser bingehê alavên paqijkirinê şiyana wê heye ku pêşî li konteynirê parçeyê bigire. Ev bi karanîna fîlterên hewayê yên pêgirtî yên bilind (HEPA) ve tê bidestxistin, ku 99.97% ji parçeyan hilkişînin 0,3 mîkrometer an ji hewayê mezintir. Van fîlteran di pergalên paqijkirina hewayê de têne xebitandin, ku jîngeha paqijkirinê ji axê, ax û konteynerên din azad dibe, ku dikarin qalîteya hilberê lihev bikin.
Alavên paqijkirinê jî di nav de amûrên pispor û kargehên xebatê hatine çêkirin ku ji bo kêmkirina nifşên parçeyan hatine çêkirin. Mînakî, kargehên paqijkirî yên paqijkirî bi rûyên xweşik, ne-porîdeyên ku li dijî berhevkirina ax û axê radiwestin têne çêkirin. Bi heman rengî, cil û bergên paqijkirî, yên amûrên pejirandî, wekî kincên labor, gloves, û pêlavên pêlavê, ji materyalên ku lint-belaş û paqij in têne çêkirin.
Digel vê yekê kontrola parçeyê, alavên paqijkirinê jî divê mijara enfeksiyonê ya mîkrobîkî çareser bikin. Ev bi karanîna roniyên UV û teknîkên din ên stêrnasî, yên ku mîkroorganîzmayên ku dikarin di hawîrdora paqijkirinê de amade bibin an nekêşbar bikin.
Bi tevahî, amûrên paqijkirinê pêkhatek girîng a her hawîrdora kontrolkirî ye, ku ji bo hilberîna hilberên bilind, pêbawer ên hilberîner û paqijiyê hewce dike. Bi veberhênana amûrên paqijkirina bilind-kalîteyê, karsaz dikarin kargêriya xwe ya xebitandinê zêde bikin, kêmasiyan kêm bikin, û razîbûna xerîdarên xwe bidin.
Filturên desengxin Hepa bi bandor bi bandor 99,997% ji konteynirên hewayî yên bi qasî 0.3 mîkron, peydakirina çareseriyek hewayî ya paqij a kûr. Vebijêrkên me cûrbecûr perçeyên berfireh ên ku ji bakterî, sporên mestir, şirîn, porê heywanan, heywan, heywanên heywanan, perçeyên dûman û alergî û alergen û alerjîkên din ên dorpêçê. Kaxezê fîlterê ya H13-H14 bikar tîne, van fîlteran asta kargêriya awarte ya H13: 99.97-99.99% @ 0.3um û h14: 99.99% @ 0.3um (MPP) pêşkêş dikin. Vebijarkên çarçoveya xwerû qutiyên profîla Aluminium, qutiyên paldanka aluminium, qutiyên galvanized, û qutiyên çeleng ên zirav hene. Her filter bi navgîniya parastina pîvaz a pîvaz-rengîn-rengîn-rengîn ve hatî çêkirin û bi neoprene ji bo durustî zêde kirin. Di cûrbecûrên cûrbecûr ên aluminium de ji 46mm heta 96mm ve hatî peyda kirin, fîlterên me ji daxwazên xerîdar ên taybetî re digirin. Ji bo serlêdanên li kargehên ultra-paqij, pîşesaziya nîvgirava, lêkolîna hêza atomî, odeyên paqij, odeyên paqij, hoods lamin, bombeyên paqij, û bêtir.
Deshengxin ffu (yekîneya filterê ya Fan) Pergala paqijkirina hewayî ya dewletê ye ku ji bo ku bi rengek berfireh a konteyniran ji hewayê hundur derxe. Teknolojiya filtrasyonê ya birrînê, fîltera me ya FFU bikar tîne ku asîdên asîdên, alkalis, kondensates, û zeviyên din ên implanted, li hawîrdora xebatê ya paqij û tendurist e. Ji bo pîşesaziyên wekî nîvrûk, laboructor, û saziyên bijîşkî, fîlterên me pêşkêşî performansa giştî û vebijarkên xwerû pêşkêş dikin da ku hewcedariyên dermankirina hewayî yên taybetî bicîh bînin. Bi kontrolên kalîteya hişk, aramiya pêbawer, û piştgiriya tîmê profesyonel, fîlterên kîmyewî yên FFU çareseriyek bêkêmasî ya ji bo pirsgirêkên itemîtiyê peyda dikin, ku beşdarî li cîhek ewledar û paqijker e.
Fîlma Kîmyewî FFU (Yekîneya Fîlimê) Fîlma Kîmyewî amûrek paqij a hewayî ya pêşkeftî ye ku ji hêla pirjimar konteynirên ji hewayê hundur ve hatî çêkirin. Teknolojiya filtration ya birêkûpêk bikar bînin, vê filterê ji bo rakirina acîd, alkalis, kondensates, û xêzikên din ên implant, ku li hawîrdorek xebatek paqij û tendurist e. Ew bi taybetî ji bo pîşesaziyên mîna nîvrûkan, kedkar û saziyên bijîşkî, pêşkêşkirina performansa bijîjkî û vebijarkên xwerû ye ku hewcedariyên dermankirina hewayê taybetî peyda bikin. Fîlma kîmyewî ya FFU FFU ya ku medya filtrasyonê ya pêşkeftî dide ku bi bandor bi rengek piçûkî û pîşesaziyê digire, hewaya hundir paqijker peyda dike. Di heman demê de taybetmendiyên tunekirinê yên bîhnfirehiyê, bêalî û tunekirina bîhnên cihêreng e da ku jîngehek xweşiktir û aramî bêtir peyda bikin. Bi kapasîteya adsorbî ya bilind, ew dubare li şûna peldanka filter, lêçûnên lêçûn û xilaskirina xilasbûnê kêm dike. Sazkirina hêsan, ji bo amûrên hewayê yên hewayê yên standard çêkir, ew çareseriyek filtrationê ya hewayê hêsan û bandor dike. Bi kontrolên kalîteya hişk û ceribandinê, filterê kîmyewî ya FFU FFU ji bo operasyona dirêj-dirêj aramiya pêbawer û durust pêşkêşî dike. Ew xerîdarên bi pêbaweriya ragirtina domdar a domdar peyda dike û lêçûnên domandina karûbarê kêm dike. Tîmê me ya Profesyonel Piştgiriya Pîşeyî û Karûbarên Teknîkî yên Tektîf pêşkêşî dike, ku hilberîna hilberê di rewşek xebatê ya bêkêmasî de dimîne û piştrastkirina karûbarê berbiçav ji bikarhêneran re peyda dike.
The VHP Pass-Through Box is an advanced sterilization solution designed to maintain sterile environments within pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and healthcare facilities. Utilizing vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP) as the sterilant, this box ensures thorough and efficient disinfection of all materials passing through it. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, the VHP Pass-Through Box adheres to the strictest industry standards, featuring a seamless stainless steel construction that is easy to clean and highly resistant to corrosion. The box incorporates cutting-edge technology to guarantee optimal sterilization and decontamination, with automated operation that simplifies the process and ensures consistent, repeatable results. Its flexible configuration allows for adjustable chamber sizes and customizable settings, accommodating a wide range of item sizes and shapes. The intuitive control system provides easy monitoring and control of the sterilization process, with operators able to set parameters, monitor progress, and receive notifications for completion or potential issues. In addition to its efficient sterilization capabilities, the VHP Pass-Through Box is also known for its material compatibility, gentleness on various materials including plastics, metals, and rubber, without damaging their integrity or functionality. The VHP process breaks down into water and oxygen after sterilization, leaving minimal toxic residuals and contributing to sustainable practices by minimizing the need for hazardous waste disposal. Overall, the VHP Pass-Through Box is a robust and reliable solution for industries requiring high-level disinfection and sterilization. Its combination of efficiency, material compatibility, environmental friendliness, automation, flexibility, and safety features make it an ideal choice for maintaining sterile environments in critical facilities. Contact us today to learn more about how our VHP Pass-Through Box can benefit your operation.
The Corner Pass-Through Box, a specialized transfer device, features a unique corner design enhancing spatial flexibility. Constructed of two sealed chambers with adapted door mechanisms, it optimizes item transfer in limited spaces, reducing contamination and enhancing efficiency. With excellent sealing, interlock safety features, and intercom communication, it ensures safe, clean, and efficient operations. Designed for ease of cleaning and maintenance, it adapts to diverse environments like electronics factories, pharmaceutical plants, and labs. Its primary purpose is to control contaminant spread, making it ideal for air-purified settings such as LCD factories, hospitals, and food processing industries.
The DSX Mechanical Interlock Pass Box is a state-of-the-art cleanroom equipment designed to facilitate the secure and contamination-free transfer of materials between different environments. Crafted with precision and durability in mind, this pass box features a robust stainless steel construction and a mechanical interlocking system that ensures both doors cannot be opened simultaneously, thereby maintaining the integrity of the cleanroom environment. With its high filtration efficiency and customizable size options, the DSX Mechanical Interlock Pass Box is an essential tool for industries that require stringent contamination control, such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and electronics manufacturing. Trust Deshengxin for a reliable and efficient cleanroom solution that meets your specific needs.
The Air Shower Pass Box with Automatic Roller Conveyor is an advanced material transfer system designed for use in cleanroom environments. It seamlessly integrates an air shower with an automatic roller conveyor to ensure efficient, contamination-free transfer of materials between different cleanliness zones. The automatic roller conveyor simplifies the loading and unloading process, reducing manual handling and minimizing the risk of cross-contamination. The air shower function, equipped with high-efficiency filters, effectively removes particles and contaminants from the surface of items, maintaining the cleanliness of the cleanroom. Suitable for various industries such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and microelectronics, this innovative pass box offers a customizable design to meet specific requirements and enhance operational efficiency. With its robust construction and user-friendly features, the Air Shower Pass Box with Automatic Roller Conveyor is an essential tool for maintaining hygiene and sterility in high-standard work environments.
This advanced system combines the precision of automatic induction technology with the convenience of a conveyor belt, creating a seamless and efficient process for moving items between different areas while maintaining strict contamination control. The DSX system features an automatic lift door that operates with remarkable accuracy, detecting the presence of items and opening/closing with minimal delay. This ensures a rapid and secure transfer, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity. The integrated conveyor belt further enhances the system's efficiency, allowing for effortless movement of items from one side to the other, reducing manual handling and eliminating the risk of human error. Crafted from high-quality materials, the DSX Automatic Induction Lift Door Pass Through Box with Conveyor is built to last. Its robust construction and precision engineering ensure that it maintains its performance and reliability over time, even in the most demanding applications. Whether you're in the pharmaceutical, electronics, food processing, or any other industry that requires stringent contamination control, the DSX system offers a tailored solution to meet your unique needs. Its modular design allows for easy integration into existing operations, ensuring a smooth transition and minimal disruption to your workflow. In summary, the DSX Automatic Induction Lift Door Pass Through Box with Conveyor is the ultimate choice for efficient, reliable, and contamination-free material transfer in controlled environments. Experience the future of material handling today with the DSX system.
Introducing the DSX Electronic Interlock Pass Box, a revolutionary solution designed to revolutionize the way materials are securely transferred between cleanrooms. Engineered with precision and innovation, this pass box features an advanced electronic interlock system that guarantees both doors cannot be opened simultaneously, thereby preventing cross-contamination and maintaining the integrity of sensitive environments. Crafted from high-quality stainless steel, the DSX Electronic Interlock Pass Box offers exceptional durability and ease of maintenance. Its sleek and smooth surface facilitates effortless cleaning, ensuring it remains in pristine condition over time. With a range of customizable options available, the DSX Electronic Interlock Pass Box can be tailored to suit specific requirements. From UV sterilization and air ionization to various configurations like window type, desktop type, and floor type, this pass box offers unparalleled flexibility and adaptability. Furthermore, the DSX Electronic Interlock Pass Box boasts an emergency stop button for immediate shutdown in case of emergencies, ensuring operator safety and system reliability. Suitable for a wide range of industries, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, semiconductors, food industry, hospitals, data centers, manufacturing plants, and research and development settings, this pass box is a must-have for any organization prioritizing contamination control and secure material transfer. Discover the DSX Electronic Interlock Pass Box today and experience the ultimate in secure, efficient, and reliable material transfer solutions.
Meet the DSX Advanced Air Shower Pass-Through Box, a top-tier solution for enhancing cleanliness and sterility in controlled environments. Constructed from durable stainless steel, this system employs high-velocity air jets filtered through HEPA/ULPA filters to scrub contaminants from surfaces. Its modular design allows for easy customization, while adjustable airspeed and airflow direction optimize the decontamination process. Additional features like UV sterilization and air ionization can be included for enhanced performance. The DSX Air Shower Pass-Through Box features secure access control, transparent viewing windows for monitoring, and energy-efficient operation. Suitable for industries like pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, semiconductor manufacturing, and more, this system ensures cleanliness and sterility in critical environments.