Fîltera hewayê

Fîltera hewayê


FFU Filter Kîmyewî

Deshengxin ffu (yekîneya filterê ya Fan) Pergala paqijkirina hewayî ya dewletê ye ku ji bo ku bi rengek berfireh a konteyniran ji hewayê hundur derxe. Teknolojiya filtrasyonê ya birrînê, fîltera me ya FFU bikar tîne ku asîdên asîdên, alkalis, kondensates, û zeviyên din ên implanted, li hawîrdora xebatê ya paqij û tendurist e. Ji bo pîşesaziyên wekî nîvrûk, laboructor, û saziyên bijîşkî, fîlterên me pêşkêşî performansa giştî û vebijarkên xwerû pêşkêş dikin da ku hewcedariyên dermankirina hewayî yên taybetî bicîh bînin. Bi kontrolên kalîteya hişk, aramiya pêbawer, û piştgiriya tîmê profesyonel, fîlterên kîmyewî yên FFU çareseriyek bêkêmasî ya ji bo pirsgirêkên itemîtiyê peyda dikin, ku beşdarî li cîhek ewledar û paqijker e.

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Mîkrobên pelçiqandî yên folandî ji bo yekîneyên hewayê (mau)

Fîlma Kîmyewî FFU (Yekîneya Fîlimê) Fîlma Kîmyewî amûrek paqij a hewayî ya pêşkeftî ye ku ji hêla pirjimar konteynirên ji hewayê hundur ve hatî çêkirin. Teknolojiya filtration ya birêkûpêk bikar bînin, vê filterê ji bo rakirina acîd, alkalis, kondensates, û xêzikên din ên implant, ku li hawîrdorek xebatek paqij û tendurist e. Ew bi taybetî ji bo pîşesaziyên mîna nîvrûkan, kedkar û saziyên bijîşkî, pêşkêşkirina performansa bijîjkî û vebijarkên xwerû ye ku hewcedariyên dermankirina hewayê taybetî peyda bikin. Fîlma kîmyewî ya FFU FFU ya ku medya filtrasyonê ya pêşkeftî dide ku bi bandor bi rengek piçûkî û pîşesaziyê digire, hewaya hundir paqijker peyda dike. Di heman demê de taybetmendiyên tunekirinê yên bîhnfirehiyê, bêalî û tunekirina bîhnên cihêreng e da ku jîngehek xweşiktir û aramî bêtir peyda bikin. Bi kapasîteya adsorbî ya bilind, ew dubare li şûna peldanka filter, lêçûnên lêçûn û xilaskirina xilasbûnê kêm dike. Sazkirina hêsan, ji bo amûrên hewayê yên hewayê yên standard çêkir, ew çareseriyek filtrationê ya hewayê hêsan û bandor dike. Bi kontrolên kalîteya hişk û ceribandinê, filterê kîmyewî ya FFU FFU ji bo operasyona dirêj-dirêj aramiya pêbawer û durust pêşkêşî dike. Ew xerîdarên bi pêbaweriya ragirtina domdar a domdar peyda dike û lêçûnên domandina karûbarê kêm dike. Tîmê me ya Profesyonel Piştgiriya Pîşeyî û Karûbarên Teknîkî yên Tektîf pêşkêşî dike, ku hilberîna hilberê di rewşek xebatê ya bêkêmasî de dimîne û piştrastkirina karûbarê berbiçav ji bikarhêneran re peyda dike.

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Filturên desengxin Hepa bi bandor bi bandor 99,997% ji konteynirên hewayî yên bi qasî 0.3 mîkron, peydakirina çareseriyek hewayî ya paqij a kûr. Vebijêrkên me cûrbecûr perçeyên berfireh ên ku ji bakterî, sporên mestir, şirîn, porê heywanan, heywan, heywanên heywanan, perçeyên dûman û alergî û alergen û alerjîkên din ên dorpêçê. Kaxezê fîlterê ya H13-H14 bikar tîne, van fîlteran asta kargêriya awarte ya H13: 99.97-99.99% @ 0.3um û h14: 99.99% @ 0.3um (MPP) pêşkêş dikin. Vebijarkên çarçoveya xwerû qutiyên profîla Aluminium, qutiyên paldanka aluminium, qutiyên galvanized, û qutiyên çeleng ên zirav hene. Her filter bi navgîniya parastina pîvaz a pîvaz-rengîn-rengîn-rengîn ve hatî çêkirin û bi neoprene ji bo durustî zêde kirin. Di cûrbecûrên cûrbecûr ên aluminium de ji 46mm heta 96mm ve hatî peyda kirin, fîlterên me ji daxwazên xerîdar ên taybetî re digirin. Ji bo serlêdanên li kargehên ultra-paqij, pîşesaziya nîvgirava, lêkolîna hêza atomî, odeyên paqij, odeyên paqij, hoods lamin, bombeyên paqij, û bêtir.

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High Air Volume Box HEPA filter-kopî

The DSX Box-type Chemical Filter, designed specifically for Makeup Air Units (MAUs), features robust construction and superior chemical filtration capabilities. Made with galvanized steel or stainless steel 304 frames reinforced with pull strips, it utilizes chemical-free EPDM gaskets and PU sealants for safety and environmental friendliness. Available in standard sizes or customizable options, this filter enhances air quality while reducing operational costs. It's the ideal choice for your air handling needs.

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The Deshengxin High Air Volume Box HEPA Filter is a cutting-edge filtration solution engineered to deliver pristine air quality across diverse environments. By integrating the effectiveness of V-shaped filters with the formidable capabilities of HEPA technology, this revolutionary product offers unparalleled performance and dependability. Ideal for enhancing air quality in commercial buildings, industrial settings, medical facilities, and residential areas, the Deshengxin High Air Volume Box HEPA Filter stands as the ultimate choice for your air filtration needs.

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High Air Volume Box HEPA filter-kopî

Experience the freshness of clean air with our Advanced Air Purifier, equipped with a powerful activated carbon filter. Designed for both home and office use, this state-of-the-art device effectively removes a wide range of airborne contaminants, including dust, pollen, smoke, odors, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The activated carbon filter utilizes its highly porous structure to adsorb and trap these pollutants, ensuring that you breathe in only the purest air. With its sleek design, quiet operation, and user-friendly controls, our Advanced Air Purifier is the perfect addition to any space seeking a healthier indoor environment.

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Fîltera karbonê ya çalak-kopî kirin

Introducing the Deshengxin F9 Medium-Efficiency Bag Filter, a state-of-the-art air filtration solution designed to meet the rigorous demands of modern HVAC systems, cleanrooms, and industrial applications. Engineered with high-performance filtration media and a robust frame, this bag filter effectively captures sub-micrometer particles and various suspended contaminants, providing a cleaner and healthier indoor air environment. Suitable for use as a standalone filter or as a pre-filter to protect downstream high-efficiency filters, the Deshengxin F9 ensures optimal air quality and system performance. With its impressive filtration efficiency and long-lasting durability, this filter is an ideal choice for a wide range of industries and applications.

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F9 Fîlyonek Medief Me-Kop-Kopê

Introducing the F8 Medium-Efficiency Bag Filter, a robust and reliable air filtration solution designed to meet the needs of diverse industrial and commercial applications. Engineered with advanced filter media, the F8 bag filter offers exceptional capture efficiency for particles in the medium range, making it ideal for maintaining clean air in HVAC systems, cleanrooms, and other critical environments. Its durable construction and high dust holding capacity ensure long-lasting performance and minimal maintenance, making it an excellent choice for businesses seeking to improve indoor air quality and protect sensitive processes from contamination.

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F8 Fîlter-Kevneşopiya Medief Me-Medium

Introducing the Deshengxin F7 Medium-Efficiency Bag Filters, a cutting-edge air filtration solution tailored for HVAC systems and cleanroom environments. These filters are engineered to efficiently remove particles from the air, ensuring a higher level of air purity and quality. Featuring robust construction and premium filter media, our F7 filters offer cost-effective and reliable performance, making them an ideal choice for a wide range of industrial applications. With customizable options available, Deshengxin ensures that your air filtration needs are met with precision and excellence.

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F6 Filter-Kopê Medief Me Medium

Introducing the F5 Medium-Efficiency Bag Filter, an essential component for maintaining optimal air quality in various industrial and commercial settings. Crafted from high-performance materials, this bag filter excels in capturing sub-micron particles and suspended solids, ensuring cleaner air in your environment. Designed for use in HVAC systems, cleanrooms, and as a pre-filter for high-efficiency applications, the F5 Bag Filter offers robust filtration performance and long-lasting durability. Its versatile design accommodates different installation needs and system configurations, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of industries, including pharmaceutical, hospital, electronic, food, and automotive painting workshops. Experience the benefits of superior air filtration with the F5 Medium-Efficiency Bag Filter today.

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F5 Filter-Kopiya Midûr-Medief Me

The Deshengxin F9 Medium-Efficiency Pleated Panel Filter is a state-of-the-art air filtration solution designed to meet the diverse needs of HVAC systems, cleanrooms, and industrial ventilation applications. Featuring a sturdy metal frame and advanced pleated polypropylene media, this filter effectively captures particles as small as 1 micron, ensuring cleaner air and improved indoor air quality. Its high dust-holding capacity and low resistance characteristics provide ample airflow while reducing maintenance costs and downtime. Suitable for temperatures up to 80°C and relative humidity up to 80%RH, the Deshengxin F9 filter is the perfect choice for maintaining the cleanliness and efficiency of your HVAC system, extending the lifespan of high-efficiency filters in cleanrooms, and meeting general air cleanliness requirements in industrial environments.

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